Thursday, September 23, 2010

Roster. Sunday, September 26.

Stakes are high as The Club confronts its third week of competition. But if there's anything to define the team, it's that we're no bunch of shrinking violets. Having bested the Big Bawlers and seen team members rank amongst the top 8 competitors on the official stat board, it's starting to look like there's more to Sunday night than pitchers and passion for bowling fashion. 

Fans around Greater Boston--and likely the world over--have been meeting on playgrounds, in coffeeshops and around dinner tables to ask:
--Can The Hoff continue her run of quiet but deadly games?
--Can Varsity partner his Fred Astaire style with a string of strikes?
--Can Flo harness the fury of her south paw?
--Will Gabriella return to defend her all-time high game?

With Al committed to more than just delivering beers this time around, three spots remain for Sunday night's competition. Who among us will have the good fortune of nabbing the remaining positions? Add your name to the comments if you're in; spots will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.


  1. Huh--thought I posted earlier...

    So yeah, me too! In!

  2. My mommy duties are taking precedence over bowling. I can only bowl if I find free child care.
